The Indian Ocean crossing from Darwin, Australia to Reunion Island took 31 days. We had every kind of temperature, wind speed and sea state. There were brutally hot days and cold days where we stayed inside. There was not enough and too much wind; flying the gennaker when wind was lite, or the jib with a barber hauler, and at other times we had 3 reefs in the main sail and a tiny jib. There were big seas but no matter how hard it’s just not possible to catch the height of the seas in a photo. There were also boat projects and Ken sat in the anchor locker working on the junction box at the mast trying to get us wind data. Jules watched the sea and sky from the helm, Cedric took bucket showers when it was too hot to do anything else, and Helen watched the gennaker and looked for dolphins. Landfall was welcome after 31 days, but brief as we plan to depart after only 3 nights in Reunion.