We spent nine nights at three different anchorages in Bora Bora waiting out the Maraamu before we could start heading back in an easterly direction. Our favorite was the anchorage near the dinghy dock for Bloody Mary’s-the world famous bar/restaurant on Bora Bora. Happy Hour was from 6PM-7PM every night and we made good use of the one hour window to get two drinks for the price of one. After several nights of Happy Hour it started to feel like Cheers and the manager gave us four free drinks one night and Bloody Mary’s swag another night-a hat for Ken and t-shirt for Jules. Bora Bora was gorgeous with spectacular views and colors. Snorkeling was good, but so far nothing has topped the snorkeling on Rangiroa. Our window to head east still had us beating directly into 20kt winds but the seas had calmed from 10ft to 6-7ft making the trip back to Taha’a not too bad of a bash.